Wednesday, April 1, 2009

Old Photo Post #2...

So as I looked through these old photos, I was trying to find another common denominator.Lo and behold, it was as plain as the nose on my face...or actually the hair (or lack of hair) on my head. Here's a little look, in chronological order...

The "Catholic School Won't Let Me Do Anything But This" Look: Not that I really cared, I was 12. But yeah, no long hair, no shaved heads, no nothing. And it didn't help that I have the cowlick of the century on the front right side of my head. PS, I still have (and wear) that shirt.

The "High and Tight (AKA 20/80)" Look: Don't know how I did this one, because I used to cut my own hair (and still do...haven't been to a barber since I was 14). Must have been a mistake I made...or an experiment.

the "Mr. Clean" Look: This was my favorite in High School. I loved my weekly Bic session. One of my favorite things about this picture, however, is the shirt I'm wearing: "Racism Sucks." I was always an activist of some sort, and this one is funny...because I have a skinhead (notice I don't say "because I am a skinhead..."). PS...that is the same exact microphone and mic stand that I still use on Sundays.

the "Life is About to Change" Look: Not too much of a change in hairstyle, I show this picture not so much because of the hair (or the fact that I am shirtless), but because this is probably about a week before I met the Lord for the very first time at age 18. Look at that unsuspecting.

The "Cornrow" Look: Here's a picture of my cousin and me. We wanted to get matching cornrows. Hers turned out better than mine, but she thought I should get weaved in highlights like she did.

The "Braid" Look: This was during the "growing out my dreads" phase. Having 80's Mom Hair was pretty brutal, and hats couldn't really hide the fact that I was fully rocking that fun, wavy, Farah Fawcett look, so I went with braids to prep myself for the future dreadlocks.

The "It's Time to Take the Braids Out and Re-Braid Them Cuz I Have White Guy Hair That Doesn't Stay Super Tight For Very Long And Gets Real Frizzy" Look: I think that's all I need to say.

The "Dreadlock" Look: My wife told me when we were getting married, "I want you to have some hair for wedding pictures." I had a shaved head at the time. I said "okay, but if I grow my hair out, I'm getting dreadlocks." She agreed. You saw the stages above, this was the final product, and it remained so for 5 years. I miss them every once in a while, but not really. This picture was from Jamie and Coutney Sanders' wedding. The big "sayanara" happened on New Year's Eve 2006.

Missing from this Blog (check back for updates):
The "Punk Rock Maroon" Look and an official picture of The "80's Mom Hair" Look. You will not want to miss these!